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Sisterhood and our love for one another are what binds Alpha Phis together. We share a mutual concern for each other - ensuring each other’s safety and well-being. Alpha Phis are involved in many leadership roles on campus, from being a Resident Advisor to president of a club, Alpha Phis are leaders found on all parts of campus and in the McMinnville community. You can see many of our sisters at events on campus and in the community volunteering and proudly wearing our letters.


Watchcare is the principle that unites us in our efforts to excel as women and provides a foundation for our mission statement: Alpha Phi is a sisterhood of outstanding women supporting one another in lifelong achievement.The concept of Watchcare began with our Founders, who came together to support each other for mutual growth. Today, it is a principle of our sisterhood which encourages support of one another through the good times and the bad, whether helping one another with academics or providing much needed support during a rough time. An example of the support is found in our Forget-Me-Not fund that helps sisters in times of personal or financial crisis. For more information on this fund, please visit the Alpha Phi international website.


Big Little Reveal

Right after Bid Day, our newest sister start "Ivy Linking" with older sisters in order to meet their potential Bigs! Big sisters in Alpha Phi serve as a role model for their little and help transition the newest member class into the chapter through fun bonding activities, like coffee breaks, movie and craft nights, & lunch dates! The week leading up to the Big/Little reveal, all the bigs make clues for their new littles. Little sisters get a big basket full of Alpha Phi love the night of their reveal! 





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